5 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Business Trip Away
5 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Business Trip Away.
new countries is fun but typically not when it’s for business, this post shares
some simple tips on how to make the most of your trip instead of eating room
service and watching Netflix in of your spare time, as tempting as it is.
- Planning: Planning on any business trip is the key to being punctual, finding out where you need to be, and getting to know your bearings in a new place. Scheduling in a spare window of time in your diary to explore on your own time is an ideal opportunity to do things that interest you.
- Research: In order to use your spare
time effectively a little bit of research goes a long way. Whether you’re
interested in visiting local tourist attractions, enjoying shopping, trying new
restaurants or the best coffee shop in town, ensure to research what you might
want to do before your trip or in-between meetings. Research is handy to have
and hopefully means you can avoid wandering around aimlessly when you could be
enjoying yourself.
- Packing: If you’re planning to make
the most of your down time, pack for this. Bring your favourite casual clothes
that are suitable for whatever you plan on doing, and don’t let your lack of wardrobe
choices be an excuse to not make the most of any down time. Whether you plan to
work out, meet a friend who’s in town, or just explore this isn’t going to be
as fun in your work wear.
- Socialising: It can be easy to feel alone on a business trip especially if you’re travelling somewhere new. To combat this talk to colleague’s in-between meetings, suggest going for drinks or get talking to the person next to you in line and ask for recommendations for things to do. You’ll get to know more about the place by getting to know the people, and find some of the “hidden gems” the place has to offer instead of the typical tourist attractions.
- Keep in touch: Although time differences can
get in the way schedules can be jam-packed, make sure to check in with friends
or family throughout your trip. Whether you’re keeping up to date with what’s
going on at home or sharing what you’ve been up to, no matter how busy you are
this is sure to help you feel better if you’re feeling lonely or out of the